Thursday, May 21, 2020

Intruder Alert

If you have ever heard of the imposter syndrome then you know it's a an overwhelming feeling of doubt people sometimes have about the validity of their accomplishments including feelings of being a fraud and it's only a matter of time before being exposed as such. Some of the most famous and successful people known have at one time or another suffered from this.

Personally, I feel I suffer with the imposter syndrome many times and even though I'm often told how talented I am, I give a courteous "thank you" while underneath I think they are only being nice. The fact of the matter is the complimenters are sincere and the root of my negative thoughts come from my feelings of inferiority when I compare myself with the talents of others; common among artists. The best resolution for this (and anything else for that matter) it to accept my work as others do and continue to improve.