Personally I have a list of problems to solve and by doing so will make my life tremendously better. Some like to call it a goal, mission, purpose or whatever narration one uses that best describes it but to my understanding it's finding solutions to problems that work best. In any case a requisite in solving my problems is believing that not only is my problem solvable but I can solve it. Author Hal Elrod calls it an unwavering faith in our ability to bring to a successful conclusion whatever challenge that besets us; in a phrase, our self efficacy.
Our self efficacy determines our outlook and course of action. Simply wishing things were better is a waste of energy and gets us no further in our journey but neither is imagining that everything is unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes things are not as we would want them be and the best approach is to accept things for what they are and proceed to solve the problem with unwavering faith in our ability to solve it and in the outcome. The late Zig Ziglar said "you've got to be before you can do and you've got to do before you can have".