Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Decision to Decide

According to psychologists there is a condition called decision fatigue that occurs when we constantly weigh the pros and cons of a every decision to be made and even after we make one we are plagued by self doubt and second guessing especially if we give ourselves a little "wiggle room".

Nate Lambert always had a problem with his weight and tried everything that was available to loose weight but never succeeded. Finally, one day after a period of research and reflection he made a firm decision to completely eliminate from his diet all forms of refined sugar for the rest of his life. After coming to this decision firmly in his mind and making it his new lifestyle he was able to loose weight and keep it off and is now enjoying a much healthier life and one of  higher quality as a result. His final decision to never have refined sugar again was a decision he finalized and was never bothered with temptation or decision fatigue again.

Harvard business professor Clayton Christianson said it's easier to stick to your principles 100% of the time than it is 98% of the time. To be 98% committed means you haven't truly made a decision and thus decision fatigue sets in opening yourself up for failure as it leads to indecision and confusion. A decision you're 100% committed to leads to enhanced self confidence and progress.

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