Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Secret to Good Cooking

If I do something then I've eliminated most of my competition. Most people want to write a book. Most people want to start their own business. There are many things most people want to do but never get around to it.

My father was a career fireman but it wasn't originally what he wanted to do. He regarded his job as a fireman as only temporary until he found something better but that never happened. He freely admitted it so it wasn't like he was oblivious and for that matter, most people are aware of how time slips away. A very common statement is "where did the time go".

It all comes down to the matter of displaying the behavior required to have the things for which we pray. If we have ideas, talent, a skill or any of the other ingredients it takes to make our life meaningful then what more can we ask? God isn't going to wave a magic wand and make what we want. It takes some work.


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