Sunday, June 27, 2021

Pure Drivel Drives Out Ordinary Drivel


A Twinkie is satisfying, it tastes good and it gets the dopamine popping but it has virtually no nutritional value and will only serve to make a person fat and unhealthy. In fact, there is so much processed food on the market that many times, as consumers, we may think we are eating healthy food when a closer look will reveal it's actually not what we thought it was. It's quite common that non-food products are put into the food we eat.

It's much like the information we are fed on a regular basis by TV, entertainment, news, social media etc. It comes under the guise of being important and the producers are very skilled at pitching it as "must see" and various other descriptors like "breaking news" to makes us feel un-informed by not watching it. However, a very high percentage of the drivel that proceeds from the media has little to do with us, no affect on our day and they're compelling us to watch lengthy news reports and tragedies that mean little to us as individuals and about which we can do nothing about.

It takes intention to quit eating unhealthy food and the results will be better physical health and if we eliminate the "junk food" of media we may become healthier mentally.

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